Student Missions at Southern
For over 50 years Student Mission has been equipping students to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, reaching people with the gospel around the world. Students spend four to twelve months learning to live beyond the borders of their faith. It is our deepest desire to see lives changing for the kingdom of Christ.
Why donations are important
Each year Southern Adventist University sends out more than 60 full-time student missionaries. I have agreed to raise $3500 for Southern's Student Missions program. The funds raised will collectively help cover our airfare, visas, insurance training, and care packages. I am excited to serve as a student missionary! Will you help me reach my goal? Whatever you are able to give is greatly appreciated by the 2022-23 student missionaries, the people we will serve, and also myself.
Why I'm Choosing to Serve in Egypt
Hello church family and friends! My name is Jackson, and I plan on going on an extended mission to an undisclosed location (within the 10/40 window) in august, there I will work as a pathfinder leader mentoring the young men in the surrounding area. And as a Medical assistant, accompanying doctors and psychologists to the homes of potential patients, and assisting in bringing them into a long term relationship with the local clinic. Finally I will also be working as an English teacher, assisting in providing essential linguistic skills necessary for modern jobs and communication. I know that my missions year will probably be the hardest year of my life, however a life of hardship and service is better than a life of ignoble ease. Thank you for joining me on this mission, your prayers and donations are greatly appreciated. For the Kingdom -Jackson
How will my donation be used?
All gifts received go toward the expenses of this year’s student missionaries. If we exceed our goal, the remaining funds will be applied toward the expenses of future student missionaries.
Thank you!
How may we help you?
Phone: (423) 236-2772
Southern Adventist University
PO Box 370
Collegedale, TN 37315
Securities or assets: (423) 236-2829
Southern Adventist University is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, and your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Contributions made for an intended purpose, such as a mission trip, will be used as specified. However, all contributions shall become the sole property of Southern Adventist University and are non-refundable under all circumstances. If your selected project is already funded, or if you do not indicate a preference, your tax-deductible gift will go to help the project that needs the most support.
COVID-19 Update
In the event that a trip needs to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, donations solicited for Student Missions will remain available for use until 2025.