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Julia Dinger: Student Missions At Southern

38 Supporters
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Student Missions at Southern

As some of you know, I’m coming to my last year of nursing school. While it has been challenging, I am grateful that it gave me a deeper look at my purpose on this earth, growth, and a deeper relationship with God. A verse that God used to answer my pondering soul over and over has been Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." This verse means to me that above all my ultimate purpose is to seek Him first and keep His kingdom upmost in mind. One of the reasons I was led to Nursing was because of the potential to touch others in a variety of settings including the mission field. While I have a year left till graduating with my BSN, I would like to dedicate some time this summer to serve God as I have recently realized all the little pointers throughout my life that has called me to serve in the mission field. I have enjoyed the 2 week mission trips I have been blessed to serve on and am looking forward to using the skills I have been learning the last few years, and grow deeper in my relationship with God. I am excited to use the passions, skills, and talents He has given me to serve while discovering and uncovering more as the mission climate has aptitude to do.

Why donations are important

Each year Southern Adventist University sends out more than 60 full-time student missionaries. I have agreed to raise $3700 for Southern's Student Missions program. The funds raised will collectively help cover our airfare, visas, insurance training, and care packages. I am excited to serve as a student missionary! Will you help me reach my goal? Whatever you are able to give is greatly appreciated by the 2023-24 student missionaries, the people we will serve, and also myself.

Why I'm Choosing to Serve in Kenya

From a young age I have had a passions for babies, mothers, and children. After telling Steven (SAU student missions director) about my interests he told me about a home in Kenya, Africa near the Maasai Mara that take care of young girls, toddlers and babies that have endured female mutilation, rape or abandonment. I plan to share love with these girls and help the staff provide a healing environment. Some tasks I may help with include helping care for the babies in the nursery, helping a medical & maternity clinic down the road, and provide education on health and safety. Near the end of my time, I will spend some time near Mara West helping out at a birth center that serves a population of 7,500 mainly of the Maasai tribe, that delivers about 50 babies per month as their closest hospital is quite far. I plan to assist them with the birth center as well as med/dent safari outreaches. Your prayers, support, financial help and donations for these clinics are so appreciated. Thank you for partnering with me to provide healing, health, and love for girls, babies, mothers and families of Kenya.

How will my donation be used?

All gifts received go toward the expenses of this year’s student missionaries. If we exceed our goal, the remaining funds will be applied toward the expenses of future student missionaries..... Your gift is a charitable contribution.

Thank you!

How may we help you?
Phone:  (423) 236-2772
   Southern Adventist University
   PO Box 370
   Collegedale, TN 37315
Securities or assets: (423) 236-2829  

Southern Adventist University is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, and your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Contributions made for an intended purpose, such as a mission trip, will be used as specified. However, all contributions shall become the sole property of Southern Adventist University and are non-refundable under all circumstances. If your selected project is already funded, or if you do not indicate a preference, your tax-deductible gift will go to help the project that needs the most support.

COVID-19 Update

In the event that a trip needs to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, donations solicited for Student Missions will remain available for use until 2025.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $ 50.00

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  • - $ 250.00

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  • - $ 200.00